Downtown Anchorage Mural. Photo by Bob Hallinen. 125’ x 48’
Basketball Court Mural, 95’ x 56’ painted by hand and squeegees, Sitka AK Thank you to Project Backboard Summer 2022
Elizabeth Peratrovich Mural, Mixed media (Graphic art & painting), Downtown Juneau Library Building, Juneau AK, 2021. 60’ x 25’
Title: Changing Over Tide
Dimensions: 19 guard rail panels (each panel varies in shape and size)
Date of Completion: April 2022
Value & Materials: Graphic artwork is applied to a film fused between two resin layers
Link for more info:
Healing Hand Ambulance Decal, Graphic Art, Juneau AK, 2020.
Set In Motion Bus, Graphic Art, Seattle WA, 2020.
Painted Mural, 30’ x 30’ x 30’, Riddu Riddu Festival, Norway, 2018
Metal Medallion, Downtown Juneau on Front St. & Seward St. 2018
Mural, ourdoor paint and spray paint
Jupe Inc. Emergency Care Units, USA, 2020
W1Curates Wall Projections, London 2020
Raven on the Water, Painted mural, Anchorage AK, 2020.
Fahearty Brand Mural, Painting, Seattle WA, 2021.